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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

We Will Remember Song Lyrics | Tommy Walker Lyrics | Christian Music Song Lyrics, Christian Music | NewReleaseTuesday.com


“No dessert until you play ping pong.”  That was my instructions to folks as they arrived for our Memorial Day Cookout.  I’d worked all day cleaning house and even the garage, putting out chairs for some to sit and watch the ping pong tournament.  However, no one took me up on the challenge.  Some of the men joined my husband at the grill and ladies joined me in the kitchen setting up the dishes they brought. 

It was then I remembered, we are seniors.  You wouldn’t know by the food – I expected fruit instead of delicious desserts.  Many among us had serious illnesses or surgeries in the last few years.  Some had braved knee surgery, back surgery, throat cancer, pancreatitis and Parkinson’s disease.  Spouses were stretched to care for their loved one.  Our prayer lists followed each ones journey back to health.  Survivors you might say don’t need to play ping pong to enjoy one another. 

After dinner, reminiscing about funny military moments for those who served in the armed forces (Army, Navy and Marines) caused all to chuckle.  The alligator story from a former Navy man amused us.  My husband digressed from the military to tell a story from his policeman days about how quick draw McGraw shot his reflection in my new mirror. 

Sharing our stories, while not burning as many calories as ping pong, caused laughter to help digest our food and joy remembering the blessings of God on our lives these many years.  Then the chorus of “We Will Remember” came to mind.  Chorus and link to this song is below. 

Proverbs 17:22
merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.

We will remember we will remember
We will remember the works of Your hands
We will stop and give You praise
For great is Thy faithfulness

We Will Remember Song Lyrics | Tommy Walker Lyrics | Christian Music Song Lyrics, Christian Music | NewReleaseTuesday.com

Monday, May 19, 2014

Duty calls.                             

“The bobcat does not have an emergency brake.  Can you walk up to the barn and put blocks behind the back wheels?”  my husband called from his trip into town. 
So my morning devotions were interrupted –I  dressed quickly and walked to the barn.  I found some blocks small enough to pick up and put them behind the back wheel of the bobcat, then walked back to the house. 

However, my 

duty was turned into delight. 

Hearing a humming sound from the electric transformer caused me to tune in on other sounds of early morning.  The happy chirping of birds, the clicking of a woodpecker, and the moisture dripping off trees and shrubs had  a refreshing feel.

  Azaleas and irises 

lapped up the moisture and stood up a little taller and blackberries strutted their stuff in full bloom.

 It is “blackberry winter” after all.  The last few cool rainy days washed everything and made the woods so lush.

  Even my snap peas in side garden joined in the celebration. 

Then a song burst from my heart as I sang to the Lord and all the creatures in the woods to hear – 

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end, they are new every morning, new every morning – great is thy faithfulness of Lord, great is thy faithfulness.” 

What a refreshing interruption to my morning routine and a

duty turned into delight.