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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

It is apple season in our part of the country.  Many people flock to the mountains to purchase their favorite variety of apple.  Our favorite is pink lady.  They are a late crop and well worth waiting for.  The rosy pink color on the perfectly smooth surface covers a crisp, tart yet sweet delight.  It is truly the apple of our eye!
 This year a friend shared the harvest from his orchard with us.  He has been busy remodeling his house and did not have time to prune and fertilize his trees.  But with our wet summer and sunny days his neglected orchard produced a bountiful crop of Granny Smith and Arkansas Black apples.  His apples were not without flaws and took more time to peel and prepare for cooking, but the taste was wonderful.

My house was filled with the delectable smell of applesauce and apple butter. 
Cinnamony apple crisp also added to the aromas coming from my kitchen.  

Although my friend's apples were not as pleasing to the eye as those found in the commercial apple orchards, and the skin was sometimes tough and took more work to discover the “good stuff” inside, the result was the same. Wonderful applesauce, applebutter and apple crisp.

In my reading in Proverbs 7 today - Nov. 7 - (I read the Proverb that corresponds to the day of the month) Solomon encourages his son to “Guard my teachings as the apple of your eye.” 

How do we guard God’s word as the apple of our eye?  Sometimes his word is beautiful and soothing to our soul and easy to understand.  Other times we have to dig to find the “good stuff.”

Lord help me to cherish your word and guard your teachings with delight just as I have enjoyed the products of the abundant apple harvest.  Help me be willing to dig and find the “good stuff.”   

My son, keep my words
    and store up my commands within you.
Keep my commands and you will live;
    guard my teachings as the apple of your eye.
Bind them on your fingers;
    write them on the tablet of your heart